Pershing Rifles Heritage


 The Heritage List

Submit a name
for consideration

NPC Team

Contact the Heritage Committee


Beyond General Colin Powell and actor James Earl Jones, many Pershing Rifles (both organizationally and as individuals) have gradually lost touch with a rich military, civilian, and cultural heritage that starts with the founder and extends through the Brotherhood’s 125+ year existence, to the present day.

To this end, the Heritage Team was voted on and created at NATCON 2020, with the purpose of:

  • Maintaining the record of notable Pershing Riflemen by establishing, and sustaining a systematic process for updating, expanding, preserving, and publicizing the Pershing Rifles Heritage
  • Ensure that the Pershing Rifles Heritage is available to be appropriately instilled into the candidate and/or orientation programs of the Pershing family of organizations


This Committee is tasked with

  • Developing, establishing, and maintaining reasonable criteria and the systematic process for inclusion of a Brother in the various Heritage List categories, to include
    • Selection/inclusion criteria/policies
    • nomination procedures/form
    • The Review and approval process
  • Maintaining the Heritage List names and the stories behind the names
  • Expanding, preserving, and publicizing our Pershing Rifles Heritage

In order to execute this mission, the Heritage Committee will need the help of ALL Pershing Riflemen, to identify notable Brothers, and submit them to the Committee for review.

We realize that some may feel upset if/when their candidate is not selected for addition to the list, especially in some of the broader categories such as “Business and Professional”, but rest assured that the Heritage Committee will review all submissions, and address their decisions.

The “Heritage approval Committee” will consist of seven NSPRAA members, with a mix of generations, experience and geography.

To view the Heritage list, click the button for the list:


If you would like to submit a name for the committee to consider for inclusion on the list, please click on submit a P/R.

For information on becoming a Heritage Committee member, contact the Committee Chair at

Heritage Team Committee Members:


Kevin Upton (A-12, Northeastern Univ), Committee Chair


Kevin Born, Advisor

Joe Harris (L-4, North Carolina State Univ), Committee member

Robert Brown (I-8/G-7, Pratt Institute/Kansas St Univ), Committee member

Bill Krondak (A-2, Univ of Nebraska), Committee member

Vacant, Committee member